We appreciate our donors!

Locks of Love children logo

Many years ago a very talented photographer, model and graphic artist gifted us with a beautiful photograph taken at a “Locks of Love” fundraiser. This image became our “thank you” postcard sent to hair donors who provide their mailing addresses.

Day 67 of The Big Hundred

Locks of Love children logo

We are excited to let you know that artist, Ellen Surrey  promoted “Locks of Love” on The Big Hundred campaign March 28th.  The Big Hundred is a grassroots, social media campaign to promote doing good in the world.  Locks of Love is proud to be featured as their “positive act” for day 67!

Joanna’s Story


Hi, my name is Joanna; I am 20 years old and have been getting Locks of Love hairpieces for 6 years now.

At 18 months old I began losing my hair, it started as a spot on the back of my head. Eventually the alopecia became aggressive and I lost the hair on my entire head by the age of eight.

Alopecia Awareness Kayla’s Story


My name is Kayla and I have lived with Alopecia since I was (4) years old. Growing up without hair has affected me both positively and negatively throughout the years. It has taught me that my beauty has not, is not, and will not be defined by me having hair or not.

Day 3 of the 8th Annual Locks of Love Summer Camp!- Continued

Locks of Love children logo

Continuing with Day 3, we hopped back on the bus and headed north to “Jupiter Pointe Bar & Grill” at the Jupiter Pointe Marina. Here we enjoyed lunch, live music and an afternoon of swimming and water activities including kayaking and paddle boarding!

8th Annual Summer Camp-Day 2

Women feeding giraffe

On Thursday we spent the afternoon at Lion Country Safari! Florida’s only drive-through safari and walk-through amusement park with over 900 animals! Among the more notable species on display at the park are lions, white rhino, chimpanzees, zebra, and giraffe!